Friday, November 11, 2005

Indonesian Peanut Sauce Chicken

We decided to try this recipe before we realized that it called for chili sauce, which we didn't have, so we went to Albertsons to pickup some. There were only a couple of options so we got a hot one from the Asian food isle and a mild one next to the BBQ sauce. When we checked out the expensive one rang up wrong so we got it for free. The recipe we have wanted us to cook the chicken pieces whole for 20 minutes, but that would have taken too long, so we treated it like a normal stirfry and cut the chicken into little pieces and cooked it without any oil for about 5 or 6 min (until it's done). Oh we had onion and red peppers in there too. Once the chicken was cooked we took it out and put in crunchy peanut butter and chili sauce (about equal amounts) stirring constantly and adding water in small amounts until the peanut butter is all melted and the whole thing is boiling. After that we added the chicken back in just in time for the rice to be done.

The chopsticks are authentic southeast Asian utensils (a wedding present from Pierce Baehr out of Papua New Guinea). This recipe is definitely a keeper!

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