Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I still hate Krispy Kreme, and, yes, I do gag whenever I think about the gobs of glaze on any of their normal donuts, but I must confess that the Boston Creme (although I supppose at Kripy Kreme it should be Boston Kreme--oh, yeah, they call it something else weird) and the Cinnamon Apple-filled donuts that Ryan got weren't awful (they weren't glazed). However, they still weren't very good. Dunkin' Donuts is much, much better! I realized when we left Kripy Kreme the other day that it's the glaze that makes them so gross--I've never liked icing. My sister and I used to split cake anywhere we went--she ate the icing, I ate the cake. (Of course, I don't even really like cake now, but that's not the story here.) So when you melt down tons of icing a day and then pass through it tons of rings of dough that have just bobbed in millions of gallons of oil, I just can't quite find it attractive. Or even close to edible.

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