Friday, March 21, 2008


We bought a big thing of hummus at Costco (yes, we are now Costco members--milk is significantly cheaper there--so significantly, it makes the $50/year membership fee more than worth it right now), but we neglected to buy pitas. Hence, we made pitas using this recipe with 1 cup of wheat flour and 2 cups of bread flour but cooking them on top of the stove. Oh, yeah, we also added about 1 teaspoon of honey. They were/are tasty. Most of them puffed the whole way, but if we're just eating them with hummus, we don't care. However, we are going to use them for our sandwiches for our traditional Easter picnic tomorrow, so it's good that we have at least two sandwich-worthy puffed ones.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I've never heard of anyone attempting pitas before, but I'm glad to know that it has been done now! They do look tasty. :^)
