Monday, October 01, 2007

Hot Peppers

Here's the last (probably--there was a frost Saturday night) of our crop of "hot" peppers--some of them are hot and some are not; we have no idea how to distinguish which are which because we've gotten hot ones and not-hot ones from the same plant. Oh, and there are a few jalapeƱos in the corner; they fall in the not-so-hot category. We've put them in black bean soup, lentils and sausage, taco salad, burritos, and spaghetti and on pizza (and probably some other things that I can't remember). We discovered the secret to gardening: put the plants right in front of one of the sprinkler heads. Our green pepper plants have not been nearly so productive, but we're getting some bitty peppers from them. Someday we may have a real garden.
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1 comment:

  1. Here is the barbecue sauce recipe from forever ago:

    1/4 cup rendered fat from meat (or margarine)
    1.5 cup ketchup
    .5 cup of worcestershire sauce
    1/3 cup of fresh lemon juice
    1/4 cup of packed brown sugar
    1/4 cup of chopped onion and chopped celery
    1/4 cup of water
    1/2 T of Tabasco sauce

    cook mixture for 1 hour until thick. :)
