Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Happy Pi Day!

As I'm sure you're all aware, today is Pi Day. So, instead of being a good, productive student, I decided I needed to make a pie. And I decided that I needed to share that pie with all of you, so as I wait for inspiration (and I mean that in the Biblical sense) on my homework (yes, Rachel, it's analysis homework), I'm posting this picture. This is a chocolate-peanut butter pudding pie (please notice the beautiful teapot in the background--Ryan thought I was silly to want a teapot, but he has become a big fan--there's something much more soothing about a whistle informing you that your water is hot than there is about four obnoxious microwave beeps--or is it three?). I thought pudding pie would be the fastest method of making my own pie--of course, I forgot about the fact that the crust has to bake, so the process was several hours long since it also had to cool, but oh, well. I was going to buy a pre-made crust, but Oreo crusts were $1.99 at Safeway and we had a few Oreos (the peanut butter stuffed ones--Ryan's new favorite indulgence) at home, so I decided to use those. Of course, I had to check whether Oreos were on sale before I left the store just in case Ryan had eaten the remaining Oreos. They were. $1.88. They're normally $3.69 or something like that (we only buy them on sale). So I had to buy a new bag, but I still think I came out ahead since I used a total of about 7 in the crust and some butter (margarine) that cost about $.25 (it's a pi day entry--I have to share my mathematical triumphs at the grocery store!). I don't know how much energy I used in the baking of the crust, however, so I cannot truly declare myself victorious. Anyway, my final remark concerning this pie (I'm beginning to think this is probably a very boring entry, so I'm not going to read it myself) is that, as I was placing the chocolate chips around the edge, I was very disappointed that I had not thought to place three chocolate chips, then one peanut butter chip, then four chocolate chips, then one peanut butter chip, then five chocolate chips, then nine peanut butter chips....  Posted by Picasa

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