Thursday, February 09, 2006


Contrary to popular belief, we have eaten since December (I know our figures don't show it). I'm writing this to let all of our readers know about the delightful culinary adventures we have had and will write up. Due to lack of temporal assets, we have heretofore been unable to delight in the writing up of said adventures.

First we have Rebekah's recent success in making Challah. Since then we have modified the recipe to move closer to the lovely loaves of bread given at Outback Steakhouse (and with each step also closer to the coupe du monde de boulangerie).

Next we have pictures of myself in my new apron (an essential for all cooks!). I am sporting my new adornment while placing chicken on our grill. Little did we know that the grill was about five minutes from being out of gas.

Lastly we have the aforementioned chicken (after finishing its cooking indoors) shredded and mixed with various cheeses to make Robin via Rachel Buffalo Chip Dip (Rebekah uses the name Buffalo Chicken Dip, but we all know its true name).

This is simply to whet your appetite for what is to come!

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