Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

We forgot to set an alarm last night, so we slept in a bit. Hence, Ryan had to start working right when he got up. He was so deep into his work that he didn't notice me making noise downstairs (except when I had some crashing going on trying to get out the big thing of cookie cutters my Aunt Susan gave me a couple years ago--then he asked me if I was okay, but not what I was doing). So I made these biscuits, and right before they were done, I went upstairs and asked him, "If you were to have biscuits today, what would you want as topping on them?" His answer: "Pink with your face on them." I looked at him like he was nuts, so he said, "Chocolate chips? Is that the right answer?" So I had to clarify that I meant in the butter/jam/honey category. He then gave a very reasonable answer involving butter (ok, so it's margarine--not that it matters, just maintaining the accuracy of our reporting) and apricot low-sugar preserves (we recently discovered, compliments of Ryan's parents, that Smucker's low-sugar preserves taste a lot better than the full sugar stuff without any nasty-tasting artificial sweetners--they use half the normal amount of sugar so the taste actually resembles fruit instead of sugar with a faint hint of fruit). So I went downstairs, took the biscuits out of the oven, laughed at how some of them had risen, and margarined and preserved (hey, butter is a verb, why not margarine and preserve in the sense of jam?) his five biscuits and put "my face" on one of them with raspberry preserves--so it was kind of pink. He was shocked that I was so fast seeing as he had not noticed the noises I had been making previously were all involved in the biscuit-making process, so the biscuits were already done when he placed his order. You may notice that he didn't take the picture until he had eaten one and a fifth or so biscuits. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Glad you didn't get hurt finding those cookie cutters! Glad you had a nice Valentine's.
