Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Fun with Strawberries

A while ago some friends had a plethora of strawberries leftover from a funeral reception and we shared the burden and took a large basked full home. We used them while they were still good on granola and yogurt, waffles, and just plain then chopped bagged and froze the rest. I didn't have a clue what we would do with pounds of frozen strawberries until our friends called and said they had made some excellent strawberry lemonade. So we have been making it ever since.

  • Make lemonade (fresh or from a can).

  • Add frozen strawberry chunks generously.

  • Let stand refrigerated.

  • Drink on a hot day.

It is amusing to watch how the color changes from a orangeish pink to a mild strawberry red as you get down to the bottom of the jug and the berry chunks have bleed out their juiciness.

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